National Mental Health Awareness Day

2024-05-01 16:14:33

May is National Mental Health Awareness month with the 16th being the day
designated to recognize this important effort. The Mason City library is promoting mental health
awareness throughout the month with a display in the first floor of the book stacks and free
information packets including an awareness button near the main desk. Stop by during the
month of May to see the display and pick up a packet while supplies last. It is worth noting that
the designated color for mental health awareness is green.

On Mental Health Awareness Day (May 16th ) from 2:00 – 4:00 P.M. there will be free freshly
popped popcorn, a resource flyer, coloring pages, and a slideshow with information about how
to make talking about mental illness okay. If you wear a green shirt to the library, you can get a
free prize. Help us stop the stigma!